十大正规买足球网站留学生学籍管理条例(Regulations on School Record for International Students of NMU)
Chapter I General Provisions
Article1 For the purposes of completing the teaching affairs, implementing the target of cultivating the students to be qualified students, this Administrative Stipulation is enacted on the basis of related laws and regulations, rules of educational administration department and the actual situation of Nanjing Medical University (NMU).
Article2 This Administrative Stipulation shall be applicable to the students who have enrolled to be full-time international students in NMU.
Article3 The students must learn by heart as the school motto goes “pursue excellencewith erudition, and reach perfection with morality”, and be outstanding throughobserving relevant code of conduct and the law, hard working and cooperation.
Article4 An Academic Year System for international students is implemented.
Chapter II Enrollment and Registration
Article5 The students must come to school to register with the Enrollment Notice andsome relevant documents before the deadline of registration. Those who fail toget registered should explain to School of International Education (SIE), andask for leave from SIE. In principle leave should be no more than 2 weeks. The student who does not register or ask for leave overstepping two weeks after the deadline of registration, he/she will be cancelled the qualification of enrollment. The student who could not register on time due to some special difficulties, he/she can ask for suspension of study with a written report, and the duration of suspension will be one year if it is admitted. The student who asks for suspension of study, he/she must apply for resumption of study before the first semester of the coming academic year, or he/she will be cancelled the qualification of enrollment.
Article6 The student will get the status of student in NMU if he/shepasses the information re-checked within 3 months after his/her enrollment. Ifnot, he/she will be cancelled the qualification of studying in NMU.
Article7 The student must take physical examination during information re-checked. Ifthe student who is diagnosed in physical examination as having illness, andhe/she is diagnosed by the designed hospital of NMU as being possible to meetthe health requirements in short period of time can ask for one-year suspensionof study without enrollment status. During the qualification retaining period,if the student is fully recovered, he/she can apply to the Office of TeachingAffairs for re-admission with certificates by his/her national public hospitalbefore the first semester of the coming academic year. The student can registerif he/she passes physical examination by a Chinese Second Class Grade Ahospital of NMU and meets the requirements. Those who could not pass thephysical exam or overstep the deadline of registration will be cancelled thequalification of enrollment.
Article8 The students must pay fees for medical insurance in thefirst semester of every academic year. Related proofs needed if the student hadpaid fees for other kinds of insurance or he/she will be cancelled thequalification of enrollment.
Article9 Tuition fees and other fees for one academic year must bepaid ,and registration must be made at he beginning of the first semester ofeach academic year. Registration will be made until after the fees is paid.after that, he/she can get the status of student in NMU. If the student whocould not come to school to register must ask for leave, but the duration ofleave could not overstep two weeks. Anyone who fails to register 2 weeks afterthe leave will be regarded as quitting schooling and disqualified from theenrollment.
ChapterIII Examination and Result Record
Article10 Students must attend all theoretical and practical classesand take part in the theoretical and practical examinations as Teaching Planrequested, and the results of the exams will be written in the Study Record ofInternational Students. According to the interscholastic agreement, we admitthe exam results of courses that the students have finished in anotheruniversity and have been proved by the Office of the Teaching Affairs in thatuniversity. The results of exams will be transferred to related credits andrecorded .
Article11 Forms of examination contains theoretical exam, practical examand oral examination according to different courses. Compulsory courses aregiven results according to the hundred-mark system with 60-mark-pass or 5-ranksystem (excellent, good, mid, pass, fail). The final result should be combinedby the ratio of the practical examination (20%), the theoretical examination(70%) and assessment marks (10%).(Teachingand Researching Section has the right to confirm the final result of a courseif there is only a theoretical exam)
Article12 The student who fails to attend the examination of a courseon time due to illness or other special difficulties, he/she must apply to theOffice of Student Affairs for suspended exam with a written application 2 daysbefore the exam(if he/she is ill , certificates with the manager’s signaturefrom clinic of NMU are needed),after the Office of Student Affairs signing acomment on the written application, it will be submitted to the Office ofTeaching Affairs, and the application can only be effective after permitted bythe Office of Teaching Affairs. The student who applies for the suspended exammust attend the same exam in the next academic year.
Article13 The student who failed in the final exam, he/she could takethe make-up exam in the first week of the next semester, and the mark of themake-up exam would be written in the record as 60 points if the student passedthe make-up exam. If the student failed again after the make-up exam, he/shemust apply for re-studying the subject. The student who had passed the exam canalso apply for re-studying the subject, and the mark of re-studying subjectshould be regarded as highest actual mark and would be written in the StudyRecord of International Student.
Article14 The student who applies for re-studying, he/she must submitthe Application Form and pay the fees for re-studying before the deadline. Itwill be effective after admitted by the School of International Education. Moredetails are contained in <Regulations on Restudy>
Article15 The student who is caught cheating, violating disciplines, absentwithout permission during examinations will be given a zero mark, and he/shemust apply for re-studying the subject. For those who are cheating or violatingdisciplines during exams will be punished according to <Punishments forViolating Disciplines & Cheating>.
Article16 The students must attend all experimental classes,practical classes, clinical classes, and internship classes. Anyone whoseabsence reaches one third of total class hours in any subject, he/she will becanceled the qualification to take the final exam. He/she will fail in thecourse and must apply for re-studying the subject.
ChapterIV Curriculum and Academic Year
Article17 The student must complete all compulsory courses accordingto the teaching plan, but he/she can select the elective courses freely.
Article 18 Students must complete the entire curriculum according to syllabus. Afterpassing the exams (including make-up exams), they can be permitted to study courses of the nextacademic year.
Article19 The Student must be forced to stay in the same grade if:
1 The studentsstill fail to pass the make-up exams of 4 or more subjects(including Chinese Language and MedicalChinese)at the end ofeach academic year.
2 Theaccumulated number of the subjects(includingChinese Language and Medical Chinese) inwhich the students fail reaches 7 from their enrollment.
Article20 For subjects which have been taught in more than onesemester, and if one part is finished each semester, then the single part canbe regarded as one subject.
Article21 Students must complete all courses according to theteaching schedule and pass exams of all subjects including the intensivetraining before internship. After that, the students have the qualifications toenter the internship. Please read <Regulations for the Internship ofNMU>in detail.
Article22 Students who have been failed to go up to next grade muststudy with the students of corresponding batch .
ChapterV Transferring
Article23 The student can apply for transferring to another school ifany of the following situations occurred:
1 留学生入学后发现有某种特殊疾病或生理缺陷,经学校指定的二级甲等以上医院检查证明,不能在我校学习,但尚能在其他高等学校有关专业学习。
1 The studentis found some special diseases or disabled by the Chinese Second Class Grade Ahospital of NMU, and could not continue to study in NMU but still capable tostudy in other schools.
2 留学生一般在本校完成学业,如学生确有某种特殊困难,经学校研究后认为不转学无法继续学习。
2 In principlethe student is required to complete all the courses in NMU. If the student,verified by NMU, indeed has special difficulties, he/she will not continue tostudy until he/she transfers to another school.
Article24 The procedures of transferring must be finished before thefirst semester of each academic year according to the followings:
The studentmust submit a written report and some proofs to School of InternationalEducation of NMU, and the transferring can be handled if the documents areadmitted by NMU and the school which the student transfers to.
Article25 The Student could not apply for transferring if any of thefollowing situations occurred:
1 入学未满一学期。
1 He/She is inthe first semester.
2 由低学历层次转入高学历层次的。
2 He/shetransfers from the lower level to higher level.
3 应予退学的。
3 The studentwho should be ordered to drop out of school.
4 其他无正当理由的。
4 The studentwho applies without good reasons.
Chapter VI Suspension of Studies and Resumptionof Studies
Article26 The student should suspend his/her study if any of thefollowing situations occurred:
1 因病经我校指定医院或校门诊部诊断,一学期必须治疗休养超过6周者,应予休学。
1 The studentwho is diagnosed by the appointed hospital or clinic of NMU due to illnessneeds a long time rest which more than 6 weeks in one semester, he/she shouldsuspend schooling.
2 一学期请假累计超过8周者,应予休学。
2 Theaccumulated leave overrun 8 weeks in one semester.
3 因特殊情况经本人申请或学校认为必须休学或停学者。
3 The studentapplies for suspension of study due to special difficulties or the student isordered to quit schooling by NMU.
Article27 The student who applies for suspension of study must submita written report to School ofInternational Education,andstudy will not be resumed and the status of study will be canceled if thestudent fails to apply for resumption of study before the deadline.
Article28 The duration of suspension of study is usually limited oneyear.
Article29 The procedures of resumption of studies are as follows,
1 因病休学的留学生,申请复学时必须持有本国公立医院诊断证明,经我校指定医疗机构复查合格,十大正规买足球网站核准,方可复学。
1 When studentswho suspend schooling due to physical illness apply for resuming study, theyshould provide diagnosed certificates by their national public hospitals and beconfirmed by the designed hospital of NMU . The students can resume study untilafter the result is approved by SIE.
2 留学生休学或保留学籍期满后,应于学期开学前持有关证明及本人证件,向十大正规买足球网站申请复学,经批准同意后进入相应年级学习。
2 If the student suspends his/her study, specific certificates and personal proofs mustbe submitted to School of International Education some time ahead of resumptionof study. After receiving permission, the student can join the correspondingbatch to study.
3 留学生休学或保留学籍期间,如有严重违法乱纪行为者,取消复学资格。
3 The studentwill be canceled the status of student if he/she violates the laws or otherrelevant regulations during the suspension of study.
Article30 The student who is during the suspension of study will notbe regarded as the student in NMU.
Article31 NMU will keep the status of student for 2 years if the student studies in the third country at his/her own expense. The status of student can only be kept once. NMU will admit credits of courses which the student has completed and are contained in syllabus of NMU. Credits arerecorded if there are certificates which are approved by Office of TeachingAffairs of overseas university.
Article32 The procedures of suspension of study will be carried outaccording to other relevant regulations.
Chapter VII Termination of Studies
Article33 The student should drop out of the university if any of thefollowing situations occurred:
1 违反中国法律、法规。
1 Breaking the lawsand regulations of People’s Republic of China.
2 不论何种原因在校学习时间累计超过其最长学习年限的。
2 Overrunningthe longest duration of study in school (9 years) due to any reasons.
3 休学或保留学籍、保留入学资格期满不办理复学或入学手续的。
3 Do not go through resumption formalities when the suspension time is expired.
4 未经请假离校连续两周或一学期累计旷课达60学时的。
4 Being absent for school for 2 weeks without asking for leave or truancies in each semesteradd up to 60 class hours.
5 未请假连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动的。
5 Haven’t attended teaching activities for 2 weeks continuously without permission.
6 申请复学经复查不合格不准复学的。
6 Failing to pass health re-examination on resumption of studies.
7 超过学校规定期限未注册而又无正当事由的。
7 Failing to register before the deadline of registration without any reasons.
8 经我校指定医院确诊患有严重疾病或意外伤残无法继续在校学习的。
8 Serious diseases are diagnosed by appointed hospital of NMU or causing severedisability accidentally that cannot complete studies.
9 本人要求退学的。
9 The student who voluntarily applies to quit school.
Article34 The case of quitting schooling will be approved by School of International Education and decided by Nanjing Medical University Presidents Meeting Finally. NMU will deliver a Quitting schooling Decision by NMU to the student and submit a copy one to Office ofEducation of Jiangsu Province.
Article35 The procedures of dropping out of school must be carried outwithin one week after the decision is made.
Article36 The student will receive a certificate of quitting schooling, and will receive a certificate of studying in NMU if he/she has been studied in NMU for more than one year. But the student will receive nothing and will be canceled the status of student in NMU if he/she leaves school without any permission or does not resume until the deadline of resumption.
Article37 The student who has any questions about the regulation of quitting school can lodge a complaint or ask for rechecking.
Chapter VIII Penalties
Article 38 If the student violates relevant rules of NMU, he/she will be punished according to Disciplinary Punishments against International Students of NMU. The types of the punishment are asfollows:
1 Warning.
2 严重警告
2 SeriousWarning.
3 记过
3 Demerit markon record.
4 Underobservation by school.
5 开除学籍。
5 Be expelledfrom school.
Article39 The students must attend all courses according to theteaching plan on time. Being absent without any reasons is not permitted. Ifthe student can’t attend classes due to resumption of studies, he/she shouldsubmit a written report to the Office of Teaching Affairs to be approved. Thestudent must ask for leave with a written report if he/she has urgent business,and if the student asks for sick leave, he/she must submit a written report anda medical record by appointed hospital of NMU. If the durationof leaving is within one week, the student submits the mentioned materials toOffice of Students Affairs of SIE and granted by the office, and if theduration of leaving overruns one week, the student submit the mentionedmaterials to the Office of Student Affairs and granted by the dean of SIE. Ifnot, he/she will be regard as truant and will be punished according toDisciplinary Punishments against Foreign Students of NMU.
Article40 The time limit of punishment of putting under observation isusually half of a year or one year. If the student makes great progresses inhis/her period of observation, the school will take into account of relieving the punishment, if not, the school will extend the period of punishment evenexpel the student from school. When it comes to the end of observation time,the punishment will be expired if there is no further extending decisions. The student will not receive the diploma if he/she is during the period of observation, andthe student can not apply for diploma until the period of observation isexpired. The student who is expelled from school will not receive the diplomabut a study certificate.
Article41 The procedures of penalties will be carried out strictly according to Disciplinary Punishments against Foreign Students of NMU. Before punishment a description and self -justification from the student or his/heragent are requested, and the student who has any questions about the regulation of penalties can lodge a complaint or ask for rechecking.
Article42 Any penalties will be written in record of School ofInternational Education if relate to enrollment status. Any penalties will besubmitted to SIE if relate to violating teaching rules.
Chapter IX Graduation, completion of program and studying inschool
Article43 The study duration of the international student can over run the limited length of schooling because of re-studying, suspension of studiesor preserving status. But the longest duration can’t overrun 9 years.
Article44 The student should be judged comprehensive based ontraining objectives, especially on overall quality, learning ability, and physical health.
Article45 The student who has formal status and has completed the full courses of the teaching plan, can graduate from NMU and be awarded thediploma certificate. And the graduate who reaches the qualification established by ‘the degree rule of People’s Republic of China’ and the stipulation of NMUcan be awarded corresponding degree.
Article46 The student who is absent from the internship more than one third of the total internship plan will not be allowed to attend the graduate examination. After complementing the absent internship and passing the exam,the student can be awarded diploma certification.
Article47 The student who failed the graduate thesis (project), themain courses of graduate practice and graduate skill exam can apply forprolonging the study period and also can be awarded certificate of completion.The total learning period applying for can not overrun the longest duration ofstudy.
Article48 The student who studies in school reaches the basic length of schooling and has completed the provided curriculum, but fails to pass some exams can be transacted according to the following methods based on the student’s personal wish:
1 在规定的最长学习年限内申请延长学习期限,在校继续学习,但必须缴纳学费。取得规定的学分后,予以毕业。对条件符合《中华人民共和国学位条例》及我校具体有关规定的毕业生,授予相应学位。
1 The student can apply for prolonging the learning period within the limited longest learning period and continue his/her study in NMU, but the student must pay thetuition fee. After obtaining the stated credits, the student can be allowed tograduate. And the student who reaches the quality of ‘the degree rule of People’s Republic of China’and the related stipulations of our university can be awarded the correspondingdegree.
2 申请结业,由学校发给结业证书。留学生在结业后一年内可向学校提出申请重新学习,取得规定的学分后,由学校换发毕业证书,但不得授予学位。
2 Apply forcompleting the study and be conferred certification of completion by theuniversity. The student who is conferred certification of completion can applyfor re-studying the failed courses within one year after graduation. Thecertification of completion can be replaced by diploma certification afterobtaining the stated credits. But the student can’t be awarded degree certification.
Article49 The student who can’t graduate or complete the study but hasbeen studied in the university for more than one year can be conferredcertification of studying in school.
Article50 The student who doesn’t have the status as a student willnot be awarded any certification.
Chapter 12 Degree award
Article51 According to <the Degree Rule of People’s Republic of China > and regulations of Academic Evaluation Committee of NMU,the qualified international students will be awarded the degree if they reach the qualifications established by Regulations of Awarding Bachelor’s Degrees toInternational Students at NanjingMedical University (NMU).
This rule is explained by School of International Educationand takes effect on the issue date.